You can now stream more videos and watch more of your favourite programmes on popular video sharing platform, Youtube, with the new Youtube hourly data plans from MTN.
This new video pack plans offers MTN subscribers the ability to choose between the 1hour for N150, and the 3hours for N400 for YouTube streaming and downloading. Meanwhile, it is currently uncertain whether the plan is unlimited or not, as some MTN staffs are not even aware of it.
I'm a big fan of timely data plans because most of them are unlimited, just like the 9Mobile VideoPak, which enables users stream Youtube for 2 hours for N400. However, MTN offers 3 hours at the same price.
MTN Youtube Hourly Data Plans And Subscription Codes
» 1hour = N150
» 3hours = N400
To activate or subscribe to any of these plans, simply dial *131*8#, and to check your Youtube hourly bundle balance, dial *559*18#.
This new video pack plans offers MTN subscribers the ability to choose between the 1hour for N150, and the 3hours for N400 for YouTube streaming and downloading. Meanwhile, it is currently uncertain whether the plan is unlimited or not, as some MTN staffs are not even aware of it.
I'm a big fan of timely data plans because most of them are unlimited, just like the 9Mobile VideoPak, which enables users stream Youtube for 2 hours for N400. However, MTN offers 3 hours at the same price.
MTN Youtube Hourly Data Plans And Subscription Codes
» 1hour = N150
» 3hours = N400
To activate or subscribe to any of these plans, simply dial *131*8#, and to check your Youtube hourly bundle balance, dial *559*18#.
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